Call for Expression of Interest: UNICEF Project - Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak

Strengthening the Management and Implementation of
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition Program

Deadline: 25 Januari 2023

Area Kerja: Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Besaran Pendanaan: USD 195,000,-

The expected result of this partnership is divided into several issues, outputs, and activities:
Output 1.
Early Childhood Malnutrition

Output 1.1
Provincial and selected district governments have increased capacities in preventing early childhood malnutrition.

The output will be achieved through the following activities:
1) Strengthen and/or facilitate the development of SBCC strategy in selected districts
2) Conduct advocacy to accelerate stunting prevention, including ensuring adequate budget allocated for stunting prevention, and improving nutrition specific data
3) Strengthen monitoring and evaluation, including reporting, of selected nutrition specific interventions
4) Facilitate the development of nutrition policy at province level

Output 1.2.
All related stakeholders are sensitized to early child malnutrition issues and engaged to accelerate stunting reduction program.

The output will be achieved through the following activities:
1) Facilitate capacity building (e.g. Infant and Young Child Feeding counselling, management of nutrition programme, etc) for health and non-health workers, including media personnel in selected districts
2) Conduct regular coordination meetings at province and district level, participated by multi stakeholders including government, academia, professional organization, and other related stakeholders on SBCC approach to accelerate stunting reduction program.

Output 2.
Care for Wasted Children

Output 2.1.
Governments of selected districts have capacity to facilitate the implementation of the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) services for wasted children.

The output will be achieved through the following activities:
1) Scaling up IMAM services with coverage and quality within existing government health and nutrition system, including: - Integrate MUAC screening within Posyandu monthly services - Strengthen recording and reporting system of IMAM data (e-PPGBM Pelita Kesmas). - Strengthen government planning, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation on IMAM

Output 2.2.
The community-based services have capacity to strengthen early detection and referral mechanism of child wasting. The output will be achieved through the following activities:
1) Develop capacity of ECD Center (PAUD) and Posyandu to empower caregivers for independent MUAC measurement
2) Leverage ECD Center and Posyandu role for early detection and referral of child wasting

Output 3.
Maternal and Adolescent Nutrition

Output 3.1.
The selected district governments have capacity to improve knowledge and practices on maternal and adolescent nutrition.

The output will be achieved through the following activities:
1) Facilitate the capacity building and monitor the implementation of Aksi Bergizi under Sekolah/Madrasah Sehat in new targeted districts
2) Capacity building for district facilitators of Aksi Bergizi from the furthest districts in South Sulawesi Province
